"""This module contains the parser/generators (or coders/encoders if you
prefer) for the classes/datatypes that are used in iCalendar:
# This module defines these property value data types and property parameters
4.2 Defined property parameters are:
.. code-block:: text
4.3 Defined value data types are:
.. code-block:: text
iCalendar properties have values. The values are strongly typed. This module
defines these types, calling val.to_ical() on them will render them as defined
in rfc5545.
If you pass any of these classes a Python primitive, you will have an object
that can render itself as iCalendar formatted date.
Property Value Data Types start with a 'v'. they all have an to_ical() and
from_ical() method. The to_ical() method generates a text string in the
iCalendar format. The from_ical() method can parse this format and return a
primitive Python datatype. So it should always be true that:
.. code-block:: python
x == vDataType.from_ical(VDataType(x).to_ical())
These types are mainly used for parsing and file generation. But you can set
them directly.
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import binascii
import re
from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union
from icalendar.caselessdict import CaselessDict
from icalendar.parser import Parameters, escape_char, unescape_char
from icalendar.parser_tools import (
from .timezone import tzid_from_dt, tzid_from_tzinfo, tzp
DURATION_REGEX = re.compile(r'([-+]?)P(?:(\d+)W)?(?:(\d+)D)?'
WEEKDAY_RULE = re.compile(r'(?P<signal>[+-]?)(?P<relative>[\d]{0,2})'
class vBinary:
"""Binary property values are base 64 encoded.
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = to_unicode(obj)
self.params = Parameters(encoding='BASE64', value="BINARY")
def __repr__(self):
return f"vBinary({self.to_ical()})"
def to_ical(self):
return binascii.b2a_base64(self.obj.encode('utf-8'))[:-1]
def from_ical(ical):
return base64.b64decode(ical)
except (ValueError, UnicodeError):
raise ValueError('Not valid base 64 encoding.')
def __eq__(self, other):
"""self == other"""
return isinstance(other, vBinary) and self.obj == other.obj
class vBoolean(int):
Value Name: BOOLEAN
Purpose: This value type is used to identify properties that contain
either a "TRUE" or "FALSE" Boolean value.
Format Definition: This value type is defined by the following
.. code-block:: text
boolean = "TRUE" / "FALSE"
Description: These values are case-insensitive text. No additional
content value encoding is defined for this value type.
Example: The following is an example of a hypothetical property that
has a BOOLEAN value type:
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vBoolean
>>> boolean = vBoolean.from_ical('TRUE')
>>> boolean
>>> boolean = vBoolean.from_ical('FALSE')
>>> boolean
>>> boolean = vBoolean.from_ical('True')
>>> boolean
BOOL_MAP = CaselessDict({'true': True, 'false': False})
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
self = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
self.params = Parameters()
return self
def to_ical(self):
return b'TRUE' if self else b'FALSE'
def from_ical(cls, ical):
return cls.BOOL_MAP[ical]
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f"Expected 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. Got {ical}")
class vText(str):
"""Simple text.
def __new__(cls, value, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING):
value = to_unicode(value, encoding=encoding)
self = super().__new__(cls, value)
self.encoding = encoding
self.params = Parameters()
return self
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"vText({self.to_ical()!r})"
def to_ical(self) -> bytes:
return escape_char(self).encode(self.encoding)
def from_ical(cls, ical:ICAL_TYPE):
ical_unesc = unescape_char(ical)
return cls(ical_unesc)
class vCalAddress(str):
"""Calendar User Address
Value Name:
This value type is used to identify properties that contain a
calendar user address.
Format Definition:
This value type is defined by the following notation:
.. code-block:: text
cal-address = uri
The value is a URI as defined by [RFC3986] or any other
IANA-registered form for a URI. When used to address an Internet
email transport address for a calendar user, the value MUST be a
mailto URI, as defined by [RFC2368].
.. code-block:: text
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vCalAddress
>>> cal_address = vCalAddress.from_ical('mailto:jane_doe@example.com')
>>> cal_address
def __new__(cls, value, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING):
value = to_unicode(value, encoding=encoding)
self = super().__new__(cls, value)
self.params = Parameters()
return self
def __repr__(self):
return f"vCalAddress('{self}')"
def to_ical(self):
return self.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING)
def from_ical(cls, ical):
return cls(ical)
class vFloat(float):
Value Name:
This value type is used to identify properties that contain
a real-number value.
Format Definition:
This value type is defined by the following notation:
.. code-block:: text
float = (["+"] / "-") 1*DIGIT ["." 1*DIGIT]
If the property permits, multiple "float" values are
specified by a COMMA-separated list of values.
.. code-block:: text
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vFloat
>>> float = vFloat.from_ical('1000000.0000001')
>>> float
>>> float = vFloat.from_ical('1.333')
>>> float
>>> float = vFloat.from_ical('+1.333')
>>> float
>>> float = vFloat.from_ical('-3.14')
>>> float
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
self = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
self.params = Parameters()
return self
def to_ical(self):
return str(self).encode('utf-8')
def from_ical(cls, ical):
return cls(ical)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f'Expected float value, got: {ical}')
class vInt(int):
Value Name:
This value type is used to identify properties that contain a
signed integer value.
Format Definition:
This value type is defined by the following notation:
.. code-block:: text
integer = (["+"] / "-") 1*DIGIT
If the property permits, multiple "integer" values are
specified by a COMMA-separated list of values. The valid range
for "integer" is -2147483648 to 2147483647. If the sign is not
specified, then the value is assumed to be positive.
.. code-block:: text
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vInt
>>> integer = vInt.from_ical('1234567890')
>>> integer
>>> integer = vInt.from_ical('-1234567890')
>>> integer
>>> integer = vInt.from_ical('+1234567890')
>>> integer
>>> integer = vInt.from_ical('432109876')
>>> integer
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
self = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
self.params = Parameters()
return self
def to_ical(self) -> bytes:
return str(self).encode('utf-8')
def from_ical(cls, ical:ICAL_TYPE):
return cls(ical)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f'Expected int, got: {ical}')
class vDDDLists:
"""A list of vDDDTypes values.
def __init__(self, dt_list):
if not hasattr(dt_list, '__iter__'):
dt_list = [dt_list]
vDDD = []
tzid = None
for dt in dt_list:
dt = vDDDTypes(dt)
if 'TZID' in dt.params:
tzid = dt.params['TZID']
if tzid:
# NOTE: no support for multiple timezones here!
self.params = Parameters({'TZID': tzid})
self.dts = vDDD
def to_ical(self):
dts_ical = (from_unicode(dt.to_ical()) for dt in self.dts)
return b",".join(dts_ical)
def from_ical(ical, timezone=None):
out = []
ical_dates = ical.split(",")
for ical_dt in ical_dates:
out.append(vDDDTypes.from_ical(ical_dt, timezone=timezone))
return out
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, vDDDLists):
return False
return self.dts == other.dts
class vCategory:
def __init__(self, c_list):
if not hasattr(c_list, '__iter__') or isinstance(c_list, str):
c_list = [c_list]
self.cats = [vText(c) for c in c_list]
self.params = Parameters()
def __iter__(self):
return iter(vCategory.from_ical(self.to_ical()))
def to_ical(self):
return b",".join([c.to_ical() for c in self.cats])
def from_ical(ical):
ical = to_unicode(ical)
out = unescape_char(ical).split(',')
return out
def __eq__(self, other):
"""self == other"""
return isinstance(other, vCategory) and self.cats == other.cats
class TimeBase:
"""Make classes with a datetime/date comparable."""
def __eq__(self, other):
"""self == other"""
if isinstance(other, TimeBase):
return self.params == other.params and self.dt == other.dt
return False
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.dt)
class vDDDTypes(TimeBase):
"""A combined Datetime, Date or Duration parser/generator. Their format
cannot be confused, and often values can be of either types.
So this is practical.
def __init__(self, dt):
if not isinstance(dt, (datetime, date, timedelta, time, tuple)):
raise ValueError('You must use datetime, date, timedelta, '
'time or tuple (for periods)')
if isinstance(dt, (datetime, timedelta)):
self.params = Parameters()
elif isinstance(dt, date):
self.params = Parameters({'value': 'DATE'})
elif isinstance(dt, time):
self.params = Parameters({'value': 'TIME'})
else: # isinstance(dt, tuple)
self.params = Parameters({'value': 'PERIOD'})
tzid = tzid_from_dt(dt) if isinstance(dt, (datetime, time)) else None
if tzid is not None and tzid != 'UTC':
self.params.update({'TZID': tzid})
self.dt = dt
def to_ical(self):
dt = self.dt
if isinstance(dt, datetime):
return vDatetime(dt).to_ical()
elif isinstance(dt, date):
return vDate(dt).to_ical()
elif isinstance(dt, timedelta):
return vDuration(dt).to_ical()
elif isinstance(dt, time):
return vTime(dt).to_ical()
elif isinstance(dt, tuple) and len(dt) == 2:
return vPeriod(dt).to_ical()
raise ValueError(f'Unknown date type: {type(dt)}')
def from_ical(cls, ical, timezone=None):
if isinstance(ical, cls):
return ical.dt
u = ical.upper()
if u.startswith(('P', '-P', '+P')):
return vDuration.from_ical(ical)
if '/' in u:
return vPeriod.from_ical(ical, timezone=timezone)
if len(ical) in (15, 16):
return vDatetime.from_ical(ical, timezone=timezone)
elif len(ical) == 8:
return vDate.from_ical(ical)
elif len(ical) in (6, 7):
return vTime.from_ical(ical)
raise ValueError(
f"Expected datetime, date, or time, got: '{ical}'"
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.dt}, {self.params})"
class vDate(TimeBase):
Value Name:
This value type is used to identify values that contain a
calendar date.
Format Definition:
This value type is defined by the following notation:
.. code-block:: text
date = date-value
date-value = date-fullyear date-month date-mday
date-fullyear = 4DIGIT
date-month = 2DIGIT ;01-12
date-mday = 2DIGIT ;01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01-31
;based on month/year
If the property permits, multiple "date" values are
specified as a COMMA-separated list of values. The format for the
value type is based on the [ISO.8601.2004] complete
representation, basic format for a calendar date. The textual
format specifies a four-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit
day of the month. There are no separator characters between the
year, month, and day component text.
The following represents July 14, 1997:
.. code-block:: text
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vDate
>>> date = vDate.from_ical('19970714')
>>> date.year
>>> date.month
>>> date.day
def __init__(self, dt):
if not isinstance(dt, date):
raise ValueError('Value MUST be a date instance')
self.dt = dt
self.params = Parameters({'value': 'DATE'})
def to_ical(self):
s = f"{self.dt.year:04}{self.dt.month:02}{self.dt.day:02}"
return s.encode('utf-8')
def from_ical(ical):
timetuple = (
int(ical[:4]), # year
int(ical[4:6]), # month
int(ical[6:8]), # day
return date(*timetuple)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f'Wrong date format {ical}')
class vDatetime(TimeBase):
"""Render and generates icalendar datetime format.
vDatetime is timezone aware and uses a timezone library.
When a vDatetime object is created from an
ical string, you can pass a valid timezone identifier. When a
vDatetime object is created from a python datetime object, it uses the
tzinfo component, if present. Otherwise a timezone-naive object is
created. Be aware that there are certain limitations with timezone naive
DATE-TIME components in the icalendar standard.
def __init__(self, dt):
self.dt = dt
self.params = Parameters()
def to_ical(self):
dt = self.dt
tzid = tzid_from_dt(dt)
s = f"{dt.year:04}{dt.month:02}{dt.day:02}T{dt.hour:02}{dt.minute:02}{dt.second:02}"
if tzid == 'UTC':
s += "Z"
elif tzid:
self.params.update({'TZID': tzid})
return s.encode('utf-8')
def from_ical(ical, timezone=None):
"""Create a datetime from the RFC string.
.. code-block:: text
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar import vDatetime
>>> vDatetime.from_ical("20210302T101500")
datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 2, 10, 15)
>>> vDatetime.from_ical("20210302T101500", "America/New_York")
datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 2, 10, 15, tzinfo=ZoneInfo(key='America/New_York'))
>>> from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
>>> timezone = ZoneInfo("Europe/Berlin")
>>> vDatetime.from_ical("20210302T101500", timezone)
datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 2, 10, 15, tzinfo=ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Berlin'))
tzinfo = None
if isinstance(timezone, str):
tzinfo = tzp.timezone(timezone)
elif timezone is not None:
tzinfo = timezone
timetuple = (
int(ical[:4]), # year
int(ical[4:6]), # month
int(ical[6:8]), # day
int(ical[9:11]), # hour
int(ical[11:13]), # minute
int(ical[13:15]), # second
if tzinfo:
return tzp.localize(datetime(*timetuple), tzinfo)
elif not ical[15:]:
return datetime(*timetuple)
elif ical[15:16] == 'Z':
return tzp.localize_utc(datetime(*timetuple))
raise ValueError(ical)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f'Wrong datetime format: {ical}') from e
class vDuration(TimeBase):
Value Name:
This value type is used to identify properties that contain
a duration of time.
Format Definition:
This value type is defined by the following notation:
.. code-block:: text
dur-value = (["+"] / "-") "P" (dur-date / dur-time / dur-week)
dur-date = dur-day [dur-time]
dur-time = "T" (dur-hour / dur-minute / dur-second)
dur-week = 1*DIGIT "W"
dur-hour = 1*DIGIT "H" [dur-minute]
dur-minute = 1*DIGIT "M" [dur-second]
dur-second = 1*DIGIT "S"
dur-day = 1*DIGIT "D"
If the property permits, multiple "duration" values are
specified by a COMMA-separated list of values. The format is
based on the [ISO.8601.2004] complete representation basic format
with designators for the duration of time. The format can
represent nominal durations (weeks and days) and accurate
durations (hours, minutes, and seconds). Note that unlike
[ISO.8601.2004], this value type doesn't support the "Y" and "M"
designators to specify durations in terms of years and months.
The duration of a week or a day depends on its position in the
calendar. In the case of discontinuities in the time scale, such
as the change from standard time to daylight time and back, the
computation of the exact duration requires the subtraction or
addition of the change of duration of the discontinuity. Leap
seconds MUST NOT be considered when computing an exact duration.
When computing an exact duration, the greatest order time
components MUST be added first, that is, the number of days MUST
be added first, followed by the number of hours, number of
minutes, and number of seconds.
A duration of 15 days, 5 hours, and 20 seconds would be:
.. code-block:: text
A duration of 7 weeks would be:
.. code-block:: text
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vDuration
>>> duration = vDuration.from_ical('P15DT5H0M20S')
>>> duration
datetime.timedelta(days=15, seconds=18020)
>>> duration = vDuration.from_ical('P7W')
>>> duration
def __init__(self, td):
if not isinstance(td, timedelta):
raise ValueError('Value MUST be a timedelta instance')
self.td = td
self.params = Parameters()
def to_ical(self):
sign = ""
td = self.td
if td.days < 0:
sign = "-"
td = -td
timepart = ""
if td.seconds:
timepart = "T"
hours = td.seconds // 3600
minutes = td.seconds % 3600 // 60
seconds = td.seconds % 60
if hours:
timepart += f"{hours}H"
if minutes or (hours and seconds):
timepart += f"{minutes}M"
if seconds:
timepart += f"{seconds}S"
if td.days == 0 and timepart:
return (str(sign).encode('utf-8') + b'P'
+ str(timepart).encode('utf-8'))
return (str(sign).encode('utf-8') + b'P'
+ str(abs(td.days)).encode('utf-8')
+ b'D' + str(timepart).encode('utf-8'))
def from_ical(ical):
match = DURATION_REGEX.match(ical)
if not match:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid iCalendar duration: {ical}')
sign, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds = match.groups()
value = timedelta(
weeks=int(weeks or 0),
days=int(days or 0),
hours=int(hours or 0),
minutes=int(minutes or 0),
seconds=int(seconds or 0)
if sign == '-':
value = -value
return value
def dt(self):
"""The time delta for compatibility."""
return self.td
class vPeriod(TimeBase):
"""Period of Time
Value Name:
This value type is used to identify values that contain a
precise period of time.
Format Definition:
This value type is defined by the following notation:
.. code-block:: text
period = period-explicit / period-start
period-explicit = date-time "/" date-time
; [ISO.8601.2004] complete representation basic format for a
; period of time consisting of a start and end. The start MUST
; be before the end.
period-start = date-time "/" dur-value
; [ISO.8601.2004] complete representation basic format for a
; period of time consisting of a start and positive duration
; of time.
If the property permits, multiple "period" values are
specified by a COMMA-separated list of values. There are two
forms of a period of time. First, a period of time is identified
by its start and its end. This format is based on the
[ISO.8601.2004] complete representation, basic format for "DATE-
TIME" start of the period, followed by a SOLIDUS character
followed by the "DATE-TIME" of the end of the period. The start
of the period MUST be before the end of the period. Second, a
period of time can also be defined by a start and a positive
duration of time. The format is based on the [ISO.8601.2004]
complete representation, basic format for the "DATE-TIME" start of
the period, followed by a SOLIDUS character, followed by the
[ISO.8601.2004] basic format for "DURATION" of the period.
The period starting at 18:00:00 UTC, on January 1, 1997 and
ending at 07:00:00 UTC on January 2, 1997 would be:
.. code-block:: text
The period start at 18:00:00 on January 1, 1997 and lasting 5 hours
and 30 minutes would be:
.. code-block:: text
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vPeriod
>>> period = vPeriod.from_ical('19970101T180000Z/19970102T070000Z')
>>> period = vPeriod.from_ical('19970101T180000Z/PT5H30M')
def __init__(self, per):
start, end_or_duration = per
if not (isinstance(start, datetime) or isinstance(start, date)):
raise ValueError('Start value MUST be a datetime or date instance')
if not (isinstance(end_or_duration, datetime)
or isinstance(end_or_duration, date)
or isinstance(end_or_duration, timedelta)):
raise ValueError('end_or_duration MUST be a datetime, '
'date or timedelta instance')
by_duration = 0
if isinstance(end_or_duration, timedelta):
by_duration = 1
duration = end_or_duration
end = start + duration
end = end_or_duration
duration = end - start
if start > end:
raise ValueError("Start time is greater than end time")
self.params = Parameters({'value': 'PERIOD'})
# set the timezone identifier
# does not support different timezones for start and end
tzid = tzid_from_dt(start)
if tzid:
self.params['TZID'] = tzid
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.by_duration = by_duration
self.duration = duration
def overlaps(self, other):
if self.start > other.start:
return other.overlaps(self)
if self.start <= other.start < self.end:
return True
return False
def to_ical(self):
if self.by_duration:
return (vDatetime(self.start).to_ical() + b'/'
+ vDuration(self.duration).to_ical())
return (vDatetime(self.start).to_ical() + b'/'
+ vDatetime(self.end).to_ical())
def from_ical(ical, timezone=None):
start, end_or_duration = ical.split('/')
start = vDDDTypes.from_ical(start, timezone=timezone)
end_or_duration = vDDDTypes.from_ical(end_or_duration, timezone=timezone)
return (start, end_or_duration)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f'Expected period format, got: {ical}')
def __repr__(self):
if self.by_duration:
p = (self.start, self.duration)
p = (self.start, self.end)
return f'vPeriod({p!r})'
def dt(self):
"""Make this cooperate with the other vDDDTypes."""
return (self.start, (self.duration if self.by_duration else self.end))
class vWeekday(str):
"""Either a ``weekday`` or a ``weekdaynum``
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar import vWeekday
>>> vWeekday("MO") # Simple weekday
>>> vWeekday("2FR").relative # Second friday
>>> vWeekday("2FR").weekday
>>> vWeekday("-1SU").relative # Last Sunday
Definition from `RFC 5545, Section 3.3.10 <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5545#section-3.3.10>`_:
.. code-block:: text
weekdaynum = [[plus / minus] ordwk] weekday
plus = "+"
minus = "-"
ordwk = 1*2DIGIT ;1 to 53
weekday = "SU" / "MO" / "TU" / "WE" / "TH" / "FR" / "SA"
;FRIDAY, and SATURDAY days of the week.
week_days = CaselessDict({
"SU": 0, "MO": 1, "TU": 2, "WE": 3, "TH": 4, "FR": 5, "SA": 6,
def __new__(cls, value, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING):
value = to_unicode(value, encoding=encoding)
self = super().__new__(cls, value)
match = WEEKDAY_RULE.match(self)
if match is None:
raise ValueError(f'Expected weekday abbrevation, got: {self}')
match = match.groupdict()
sign = match['signal']
weekday = match['weekday']
relative = match['relative']
if weekday not in vWeekday.week_days or sign not in '+-':
raise ValueError(f'Expected weekday abbrevation, got: {self}')
self.weekday = weekday or None
self.relative = relative and int(relative) or None
if sign == '-' and self.relative:
self.relative *= -1
self.params = Parameters()
return self
def to_ical(self):
return self.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING).upper()
def from_ical(cls, ical):
return cls(ical.upper())
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f'Expected weekday abbrevation, got: {ical}')
class vFrequency(str):
"""A simple class that catches illegal values.
frequencies = CaselessDict({
def __new__(cls, value, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING):
value = to_unicode(value, encoding=encoding)
self = super().__new__(cls, value)
if self not in vFrequency.frequencies:
raise ValueError(f'Expected frequency, got: {self}')
self.params = Parameters()
return self
def to_ical(self):
return self.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING).upper()
def from_ical(cls, ical):
return cls(ical.upper())
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f'Expected frequency, got: {ical}')
class vMonth(int):
"""The number of the month for recurrence.
In :rfc:`5545`, this is just an int.
In :rfc:`7529`, this can be followed by `L` to indicate a leap month.
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar import vMonth
>>> vMonth(1) # first month January
>>> vMonth("5L") # leap month in Hebrew calendar
>>> vMonth(1).leap
>>> vMonth("5L").leap
Definition from RFC:
.. code-block:: text
type-bymonth = element bymonth {
xsd:positiveInteger |
def __new__(cls, month:Union[str, int]):
if isinstance(month, vMonth):
return cls(month.to_ical().decode())
if isinstance(month, str):
if month.isdigit():
month_index = int(month)
leap = False
if month[-1] != "L" and month[:-1].isdigit():
raise ValueError(f"Invalid month: {month!r}")
month_index = int(month[:-1])
leap = True
leap = False
month_index = int(month)
self = super().__new__(cls, month_index)
self.leap = leap
self.params = Parameters()
return self
def to_ical(self) -> bytes:
"""The ical representation."""
return str(self).encode('utf-8')
def from_ical(cls, ical: str):
return cls(ical)
def leap():
doc = "Whether this is a leap month."
def fget(self) -> bool:
return self._leap
def fset(self, value:bool) -> None:
self._leap = value
return locals()
leap = property(**leap())
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)!r})"
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{int(self)}{'L' if self.leap else ''}"
class vSkip(vText, Enum):
"""Skip values for RRULE.
These are defined in :rfc:`7529`.
OMIT is the default value.
def __reduce_ex__(self, _p):
"""For pickling."""
return self.__class__, (self._name_,)
class vRecur(CaselessDict):
"""Recurrence definition.
Property Name:
This property defines a rule or repeating pattern for recurring events, to-dos,
journal entries, or time zone definitions.
Value Type:
Property Parameters:
IANA and non-standard property parameters can be specified on this property.
This property can be specified in recurring "VEVENT", "VTODO", and "VJOURNAL"
calendar components as well as in the "STANDARD" and "DAYLIGHT" sub-components
of the "VTIMEZONE" calendar component, but it SHOULD NOT be specified more than once.
The recurrence set generated with multiple "RRULE" properties is undefined.
The recurrence rule, if specified, is used in computing the recurrence set.
The recurrence set is the complete set of recurrence instances for a calendar component.
The recurrence set is generated by considering the initial "DTSTART" property along
with the "RRULE", "RDATE", and "EXDATE" properties contained within the
recurring component. The "DTSTART" property defines the first instance in the
recurrence set. The "DTSTART" property value SHOULD be synchronized with the
recurrence rule, if specified. The recurrence set generated with a "DTSTART" property
value not synchronized with the recurrence rule is undefined.
The final recurrence set is generated by gathering all of the start DATE-TIME
values generated by any of the specified "RRULE" and "RDATE" properties, and then
excluding any start DATE-TIME values specified by "EXDATE" properties.
This implies that start DATE- TIME values specified by "EXDATE" properties take
precedence over those specified by inclusion properties (i.e., "RDATE" and "RRULE").
Where duplicate instances are generated by the "RRULE" and "RDATE" properties,
only one recurrence is considered. Duplicate instances are ignored.
The "DTSTART" property specified within the iCalendar object defines the first
instance of the recurrence. In most cases, a "DTSTART" property of DATE-TIME value
type used with a recurrence rule, should be specified as a date with local time
and time zone reference to make sure all the recurrence instances start at the
same local time regardless of time zone changes.
If the duration of the recurring component is specified with the "DTEND" or
"DUE" property, then the same exact duration will apply to all the members of the
generated recurrence set. Else, if the duration of the recurring component is
specified with the "DURATION" property, then the same nominal duration will apply
to all the members of the generated recurrence set and the exact duration of each
recurrence instance will depend on its specific start time. For example, recurrence
instances of a nominal duration of one day will have an exact duration of more or less
than 24 hours on a day where a time zone shift occurs. The duration of a specific
recurrence may be modified in an exception component or simply by using an
"RDATE" property of PERIOD value type.
The following RRULE specifies daily events for 10 occurrences.
.. code-block:: text
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vRecur
>>> rrule = vRecur.from_ical('FREQ=DAILY;COUNT=10')
>>> rrule
vRecur({'FREQ': ['DAILY'], 'COUNT': [10]})
frequencies = ["SECONDLY", "MINUTELY", "HOURLY", "DAILY", "WEEKLY",
# Mac iCal ignores RRULEs where FREQ is not the first rule part.
# Sorts parts according to the order listed in RFC 5545, section 3.3.10.
canonical_order = ("RSCALE", "FREQ", "UNTIL", "COUNT", "INTERVAL",
types = CaselessDict({
'COUNT': vInt,
'BYHOUR': vInt,
'BYMONTH': vMonth,
'UNTIL': vDDDTypes,
'WKST': vWeekday,
'BYDAY': vWeekday,
'FREQ': vFrequency,
'BYWEEKDAY': vWeekday,
'SKIP': vSkip,
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if not isinstance(v, SEQUENCE_TYPES):
kwargs[k] = [v]
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.params = Parameters()
def to_ical(self):
result = []
for key, vals in self.sorted_items():
typ = self.types.get(key, vText)
if not isinstance(vals, SEQUENCE_TYPES):
vals = [vals]
vals = b','.join(typ(val).to_ical() for val in vals)
# CaselessDict keys are always unicode
key = key.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING)
result.append(key + b'=' + vals)
return b';'.join(result)
def parse_type(cls, key, values):
# integers
parser = cls.types.get(key, vText)
return [parser.from_ical(v) for v in values.split(',')]
def from_ical(cls, ical: str):
if isinstance(ical, cls):
return ical
recur = cls()
for pairs in ical.split(';'):
key, vals = pairs.split('=')
except ValueError:
# E.g. incorrect trailing semicolon, like (issue #157):
recur[key] = cls.parse_type(key, vals)
return cls(recur)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f'Error in recurrence rule: {ical}')
class vTime(TimeBase):
Value Name:
This value type is used to identify values that contain a
time of day.
Format Definition:
This value type is defined by the following notation:
.. code-block:: text
time = time-hour time-minute time-second [time-utc]
time-hour = 2DIGIT ;00-23
time-minute = 2DIGIT ;00-59
time-second = 2DIGIT ;00-60
;The "60" value is used to account for positive "leap" seconds.
time-utc = "Z"
If the property permits, multiple "time" values are
specified by a COMMA-separated list of values. No additional
content value encoding (i.e., BACKSLASH character encoding, see
vText) is defined for this value type.
The "TIME" value type is used to identify values that contain a
time of day. The format is based on the [ISO.8601.2004] complete
representation, basic format for a time of day. The text format
consists of a two-digit, 24-hour of the day (i.e., values 00-23),
two-digit minute in the hour (i.e., values 00-59), and two-digit
seconds in the minute (i.e., values 00-60). The seconds value of
60 MUST only be used to account for positive "leap" seconds.
Fractions of a second are not supported by this format.
In parallel to the "DATE-TIME" definition above, the "TIME" value
type expresses time values in three forms:
The form of time with UTC offset MUST NOT be used. For example,
the following is not valid for a time value:
.. code-block:: text
230000-0800 ;Invalid time format
The local time form is simply a time value that does not contain
the UTC designator nor does it reference a time zone. For
example, 11:00 PM:
.. code-block:: text
Time values of this type are said to be "floating" and are not
bound to any time zone in particular. They are used to represent
the same hour, minute, and second value regardless of which time
zone is currently being observed. For example, an event can be
defined that indicates that an individual will be busy from 11:00
AM to 1:00 PM every day, no matter which time zone the person is
in. In these cases, a local time can be specified. The recipient
of an iCalendar object with a property value consisting of a local
time, without any relative time zone information, SHOULD interpret
the value as being fixed to whatever time zone the "ATTENDEE" is
in at any given moment. This means that two "Attendees", may
participate in the same event at different UTC times; floating
time SHOULD only be used where that is reasonable behavior.
In most cases, a fixed time is desired. To properly communicate a
fixed time in a property value, either UTC time or local time with
time zone reference MUST be specified.
The use of local time in a TIME value without the "TZID" property
parameter is to be interpreted as floating time, regardless of the
existence of "VTIMEZONE" calendar components in the iCalendar
UTC time, or absolute time, is identified by a LATIN CAPITAL
LETTER Z suffix character, the UTC designator, appended to the
time value. For example, the following represents 07:00 AM UTC:
.. code-block:: text
The "TZID" property parameter MUST NOT be applied to TIME
properties whose time values are specified in UTC.
The local time with reference to time zone information form is
identified by the use the "TZID" property parameter to reference
the appropriate time zone definition.
The following represents 8:30 AM in New York in winter,
five hours behind UTC, in each of the three formats:
.. code-block:: text
def __init__(self, *args):
if len(args) == 1:
if not isinstance(args[0], (time, datetime)):
raise ValueError(f'Expected a datetime.time, got: {args[0]}')
self.dt = args[0]
self.dt = time(*args)
self.params = Parameters({'value': 'TIME'})
def to_ical(self):
return self.dt.strftime("%H%M%S")
def from_ical(ical):
# TODO: timezone support
timetuple = (int(ical[:2]), int(ical[2:4]), int(ical[4:6]))
return time(*timetuple)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f'Expected time, got: {ical}')
class vUri(str):
Value Name:
This value type is used to identify values that contain a
uniform resource identifier (URI) type of reference to the
property value.
Format Definition:
This value type is defined by the following notation:
.. code-block:: text
uri = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
This value type might be used to reference binary
information, for values that are large, or otherwise undesirable
to include directly in the iCalendar object.
Property values with this value type MUST follow the generic URI
syntax defined in [RFC3986].
When a property parameter value is a URI value type, the URI MUST
be specified as a quoted-string value.
The following is a URI for a network file:
.. code-block:: text
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vUri
>>> uri = vUri.from_ical('http://example.com/my-report.txt')
>>> uri
def __new__(cls, value, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING):
value = to_unicode(value, encoding=encoding)
self = super().__new__(cls, value)
self.params = Parameters()
return self
def to_ical(self):
return self.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING)
def from_ical(cls, ical):
return cls(ical)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f'Expected , got: {ical}')
class vGeo:
"""Geographic Position
Property Name:
This property specifies information related to the global
position for the activity specified by a calendar component.
Value Type:
FLOAT. The value MUST be two SEMICOLON-separated FLOAT values.
Property Parameters:
IANA and non-standard property parameters can be specified on
this property.
This property can be specified in "VEVENT" or "VTODO"
calendar components.
This property value specifies latitude and longitude,
in that order (i.e., "LAT LON" ordering). The longitude
represents the location east or west of the prime meridian as a
positive or negative real number, respectively. The longitude and
latitude values MAY be specified up to six decimal places, which
will allow for accuracy to within one meter of geographical
position. Receiving applications MUST accept values of this
precision and MAY truncate values of greater precision.
.. code-block:: text
Parse vGeo:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vGeo
>>> geo = vGeo.from_ical('37.386013;-122.082932')
>>> geo
(37.386013, -122.082932)
Add a geo location to an event:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar import Event
>>> event = Event()
>>> latitude = 37.386013
>>> longitude = -122.082932
>>> event.add('GEO', (latitude, longitude))
>>> event['GEO']
vGeo((37.386013, -122.082932))
def __init__(self, geo: tuple[float|str|int, float|str|int]):
"""Create a new vGeo from a tuple of (latitude, longitude).
ValueError: if geo is not a tuple of (latitude, longitude)
latitude, longitude = (geo[0], geo[1])
latitude = float(latitude)
longitude = float(longitude)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("Input must be (float, float) for "
"latitude and longitude") from e
self.latitude = latitude
self.longitude = longitude
self.params = Parameters()
def to_ical(self):
return f"{self.latitude};{self.longitude}"
def from_ical(ical):
latitude, longitude = ical.split(";")
return (float(latitude), float(longitude))
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"Expected 'float;float' , got: {ical}") from e
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.to_ical() == other.to_ical()
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(({self.latitude}, {self.longitude}))"
class vUTCOffset:
"""UTC Offset
Value Name:
This value type is used to identify properties that contain
an offset from UTC to local time.
Format Definition:
This value type is defined by the following notation:
.. code-block:: text
utc-offset = time-numzone
time-numzone = ("+" / "-") time-hour time-minute [time-second]
The PLUS SIGN character MUST be specified for positive
UTC offsets (i.e., ahead of UTC). The HYPHEN-MINUS character MUST
be specified for negative UTC offsets (i.e., behind of UTC). The
value of "-0000" and "-000000" are not allowed. The time-second,
if present, MUST NOT be 60; if absent, it defaults to zero.
The following UTC offsets are given for standard time for
New York (five hours behind UTC) and Geneva (one hour ahead of
.. code-block:: text
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from icalendar.prop import vUTCOffset
>>> utc_offset = vUTCOffset.from_ical('-0500')
>>> utc_offset
datetime.timedelta(days=-1, seconds=68400)
>>> utc_offset = vUTCOffset.from_ical('+0100')
>>> utc_offset
ignore_exceptions = False # if True, and we cannot parse this
# component, we will silently ignore
# it, rather than let the exception
# propagate upwards
def __init__(self, td):
if not isinstance(td, timedelta):
raise ValueError('Offset value MUST be a timedelta instance')
self.td = td
self.params = Parameters()
def to_ical(self):
if self.td < timedelta(0):
sign = '-%s'
td = timedelta(0) - self.td # get timedelta relative to 0
# Google Calendar rejects '0000' but accepts '+0000'
sign = '+%s'
td = self.td
days, seconds = td.days, td.seconds
hours = abs(days * 24 + seconds // 3600)
minutes = abs((seconds % 3600) // 60)
seconds = abs(seconds % 60)
if seconds:
duration = f'{hours:02}{minutes:02}{seconds:02}'
duration = f'{hours:02}{minutes:02}'
return sign % duration
def from_ical(cls, ical):
if isinstance(ical, cls):
return ical.td
sign, hours, minutes, seconds = (ical[0:1],
int(ical[5:7] or 0))
offset = timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(f'Expected utc offset, got: {ical}')
if not cls.ignore_exceptions and offset >= timedelta(hours=24):
raise ValueError(
f'Offset must be less than 24 hours, was {ical}')
if sign == '-':
return -offset
return offset
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, vUTCOffset):
return False
return self.td == other.td
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.td)
def __repr__(self):
return f"vUTCOffset({self.td!r})"
class vInline(str):
"""This is an especially dumb class that just holds raw unparsed text and
has parameters. Conversion of inline values are handled by the Component
class, so no further processing is needed.
def __new__(cls, value, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING):
value = to_unicode(value, encoding=encoding)
self = super().__new__(cls, value)
self.params = Parameters()
return self
def to_ical(self):
return self.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING)
def from_ical(cls, ical):
return cls(ical)
class TypesFactory(CaselessDict):
"""All Value types defined in RFC 5545 are registered in this factory
The value and parameter names don't overlap. So one factory is enough for
both kinds.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"Set keys to upper for initial dict"
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.all_types = (
self['binary'] = vBinary
self['boolean'] = vBoolean
self['cal-address'] = vCalAddress
self['date'] = vDDDTypes
self['date-time'] = vDDDTypes
self['duration'] = vDDDTypes
self['float'] = vFloat
self['integer'] = vInt
self['period'] = vPeriod
self['recur'] = vRecur
self['text'] = vText
self['time'] = vTime
self['uri'] = vUri
self['utc-offset'] = vUTCOffset
self['geo'] = vGeo
self['inline'] = vInline
self['date-time-list'] = vDDDLists
self['categories'] = vCategory
# Property types
# These are the default types
types_map = CaselessDict({
# Property value types
# Calendar Properties
'calscale': 'text',
'method': 'text',
'prodid': 'text',
'version': 'text',
# Descriptive Component Properties
'attach': 'uri',
'categories': 'categories',
'class': 'text',
'comment': 'text',
'description': 'text',
'geo': 'geo',
'location': 'text',
'percent-complete': 'integer',
'priority': 'integer',
'resources': 'text',
'status': 'text',
'summary': 'text',
# Date and Time Component Properties
'completed': 'date-time',
'dtend': 'date-time',
'due': 'date-time',
'dtstart': 'date-time',
'duration': 'duration',
'freebusy': 'period',
'transp': 'text',
# Time Zone Component Properties
'tzid': 'text',
'tzname': 'text',
'tzoffsetfrom': 'utc-offset',
'tzoffsetto': 'utc-offset',
'tzurl': 'uri',
# Relationship Component Properties
'attendee': 'cal-address',
'contact': 'text',
'organizer': 'cal-address',
'recurrence-id': 'date-time',
'related-to': 'text',
'url': 'uri',
'uid': 'text',
# Recurrence Component Properties
'exdate': 'date-time-list',
'exrule': 'recur',
'rdate': 'date-time-list',
'rrule': 'recur',
# Alarm Component Properties
'action': 'text',
'repeat': 'integer',
'trigger': 'duration',
'acknowledged': 'date-time',
# Change Management Component Properties
'created': 'date-time',
'dtstamp': 'date-time',
'last-modified': 'date-time',
'sequence': 'integer',
# Miscellaneous Component Properties
'request-status': 'text',
# parameter types (luckily there is no name overlap)
'altrep': 'uri',
'cn': 'text',
'cutype': 'text',
'delegated-from': 'cal-address',
'delegated-to': 'cal-address',
'dir': 'uri',
'encoding': 'text',
'fmttype': 'text',
'fbtype': 'text',
'language': 'text',
'member': 'cal-address',
'partstat': 'text',
'range': 'text',
'related': 'text',
'reltype': 'text',
'role': 'text',
'rsvp': 'boolean',
'sent-by': 'cal-address',
'tzid': 'text',
'value': 'text',
def for_property(self, name):
"""Returns a the default type for a property or parameter
return self[self.types_map.get(name, 'text')]
def to_ical(self, name, value):
"""Encodes a named value from a primitive python type to an icalendar
encoded string.
type_class = self.for_property(name)
return type_class(value).to_ical()
def from_ical(self, name, value):
"""Decodes a named property or parameter value from an icalendar
encoded string to a primitive python type.
type_class = self.for_property(name)
decoded = type_class.from_ical(value)
return decoded
__all__ = ["DURATION_REGEX", "TimeBase", "TypesFactory", "WEEKDAY_RULE",
"tzid_from_dt", "vBinary", "vBoolean", "vCalAddress",
"vCategory", "vDDDLists", "vDDDTypes", "vDate", "vDatetime",
"vDuration", "vFloat", "vFrequency", "vGeo", "vInline", "vInt",
"vMonth", "vPeriod", "vRecur", "vSkip", "vText", "vTime",
"vUTCOffset", "vUri", "vWeekday", "tzid_from_tzinfo"]